Razorback Women in the News!

Swinburne's highly anticipated Women's Clash in May has began to draw increasing interest with several of our female superstars gracing the front cover of the Progress leader. The event is a major part of a huge Round 5 clash against La Trobe AFC, with the interest and buzz in this exhibition game growing by the day!
Club president Mick Manning said “This is a once-off exhibition match which is being used to promote women’s AFL and to increase participation in the sport”.
The Women's match will be played between the reserves and seniors with an extended break scheduled to accommodate the match of 2 x 15 minute halves. Training will be held on Thursday from 5pm at St James Park on the following dates; 14th, 21st, 28th April and 5th May. We are currently looking for women to represent Swinburne for this match, which will be used as a springboard into registering a team for the whole 2017 VAFA season. Please forward this event onto anyone who you think might be interested. We are looking for coaches and support stuff to help get this off the ground, so spread the word far and wide! Please advise us of your interest in participation or acting as support staff by contact the event admin or contacting us on the details below;
email - swinburnefootball@gmail.com call or text - 0408 343 677 Facebook Event